
▼ 今晚 TNITE | .TAG 7UP 巡演 - Art of Live ▲

Elevator上海 2021-05-21


有奖问答 | CONTEST


What takes you 'To Another Galaxy'?



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七年前,.TAG 带着“To Antoher Galaxy”的理想在保利中心横空出世。那时,这座魔幻大厦刚刚落成不久,谁也未曾料到它在未来会成为成都地下音乐场景的一座意义非凡的纪念碑。


Seven years ago, .TAG was born out of the ideal of "To Another Galaxy" in Poly Center. At that time, this magic building had just been completed, and no one would ever expect that it would bear extraordinary significance in the underground music scene of Chengdu in the future.

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七年之后,.TAG 依然暗自响彻在 21 层的角落,用频闪暖光和浓厚烟雾迎接舞客的到来,用友爱的氛围将大家包围。都说七年之痒,但当我们站在七年这个特别的关口,却只感受到七年之沉淀与历练所带来的喜悦和自豪。

Seven years later, .TAG still echoes in the corner of the 21st floor, welcoming the ravers with smoke and flashing lights, and surrounds everyone with its homie vibe. Instead of the seven year itch, we actually feel more joy and pride brought by these past seven years’ unparalleled experience.

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The Power House of Rave 


七年时光里,这个寄托了我们的热爱与坚守的阵地经历了起起落落:2014年,.TAG 以更纯粹的4/4拍和更加速脉搏的 BPM 快速占领了成都年轻人的夜场生活;2017年,无奈遭遇了物业的大规模停业整顿;2018年,成熟的海外音乐人纷至沓来,一度每个周末都少不了国际嘉宾的助阵;2020年初,策划、筹备数月的豪华阵容春节档,因为 COVID-9 的突发而不得不偃旗息鼓;2020下半年,全球交流斩断后,头一次自力更生的 clubbing 场景却呈现出野蛮生长的态势,无论是 DJ、promoter 还是 club-goers 都展现出表达热情、专业样貌与多元取向…… 在四周年的时候,我们曾说:俱乐部的意义是为爱好者和小众群体创造聊以慰藉的共同体,而 .TAG 希望沿着这条路径,努力维护俱乐部作为逃离外部世界乱相之庇护所的存在。这个初衷未曾动摇,.TAG 的成长史,既是阐释俱乐部文化之顽强生命力的一个例证。

In the past seven years, this venue that carries our love and perseverance experienced many ups and downs: In 2014, .TAG quickly took over the nightlife of young people in Chengdu with its 4/4 beats and accelerating BPM; In 2017, we had no choice but to go into a hiatus due to the large-scale property rectification; In 2018, professional international artists came in droves, and almost every weekend, there’s at least one international act; In early 2020, due to the outbreak of covid-19,  the Spring Festival lineup which took months planning in advance went in vain; After the worldwide cut-off in the second half of 2020, the clubbing scene, for the first time in a long time, switched back to the self-reliant mode. It showed a barbaric growth. DJs, promoters and club-goers all displayed more enthusiasm, professionalness and diversity... At our fourth anniversary party, we said: the meaning of the club is to create a safe haven for music lovers and minorities. .TAG works hard to maintain its existence as a utopia away from the chaos of the outside world. We stick to this mission no matter what, and the evolution of .TAG has proven this tenacious club vitality.

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一直以来,.TAG 都是大家心中的那座马力强劲的 Power House (发电站/动力源) 。它是因为 .TAG 而围聚在一起的这个大家族的心爱之物,是一项“为爱发电”的事业;它为大家提供一方悠游地,通过震颤的音乐源源不断地向舞客传输能量,激发灵感、催生热情;如今,它也以事实证明这是一座人才的动力源,向全国的俱乐部场景输送着优秀的表达者与参与者。

.TAG is a perpetual power house in everyone's heart. It never runs out of power because of the crowd that it is blessed with. It is a community that "generates power from love"; it provides a place for all to pass on positivity, to get inspired and to catalyse enthusiasm; As of today, it also becomes the source of talents, delivering excellent artists and participants to the club scene across the country.

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5 Cities, 6 Nights 


刚刚过去的三月末,持续两周六晚的周年庆纪念活动,还在我们的记忆中存留有未尽的余温。趁着这股热劲,我们决定马不停蹄地展开“七年之喜”巡演,在接下来两个月的时间内,去到北京、上海、深圳、杭州和香港五城中最能代表当地场景的六座俱乐部,进行场景交换。无远弗届,我们将携带着 .TAG 7年长跑所积蓄的能量与精神,打破壁垒,撬动边界,往更远处散播,向更多人传达。

We had our 2 weeks and 6 nights anniversary celebration in March. Memories are still fresh and will remain so for a very long time. But we cannot wait to spread the happiness across the country, thus we decided to kick off the "7 Up" national tour right away. In the next two months, we will go to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and Hong Kong, and party at some of the most representative venues in the local scene. With the accumulated energy and spirit in TAG’s 7-year-long marathon, we are going to break boundaries and reach more likeminded folks.

这次,六场深深烙印着 .TAG 标记的派对之夜,将成为巡演的核心内容。这些派对,是 .TAG 背后核心社群的灵感结晶,它们风格迥异、趣味多元,为边缘群体或是不从众者创造了属于他们的夜生活,它们也是 .TAG 所凝结的俱乐部精神的多面写照。

These six party nights embody the very core of .TAG’s aesthetics. They are the inspiration of core community behind .TAG. They are versatile, different and fun. They provide an embracing nightlife for marginalized groups and non-conformists. They are basically the multifaceted portrayal of the club spirit that .TAG stands for.

“Live set是指从一组设备或电脑中实时生成电子音乐的任意演出形式。”—— 维基百科 

“Live set is any form of performance that generates electronic music in real time from a group of equipments or computers.” – Wikipedia


Modular synthesizer racks

专攻现场的DAW Ableton Live


DAW Ableton Live

and Midi controller exclusively

for LIVE performance

Art of Live是.TAG一个以Live为主要表演形式的系列主题派对。在愈发成熟的本土电子乐场景中,把越来越多的Live set表演者与原创电子音乐人在俱乐部呈现给大家。本土电子音乐真正兴起,是.TAG之理想所在。 

Art of Live is a party series initiated at TAG. In these theme parties, live is the leading form of performance. The local scene is increasingly mature, consequently the scene demands more and more live set performers and original electronic musicians. The rise of local electronic music is what TAG strives for. 

5月14日,扎根于.TAG的“Art of Live”将作为.TAG 7UP全国巡演上海电梯站的主题形式,由成都的本土制作人KARMASUB携手近期频繁演出.TAG的MERVV,以 Live 形式带来他们的原创电子音乐。当晚,还有刚从纽约回国不久的声音艺术家CHAMBERLIAIN ZHANG加持,为听众营造一个充满空间感和未来主义的Techno longset!

Art of Live has its deep root in .TAG. That’s why it will be representing TAG and kick off the night at Elevator Shanghai on May 14th as one of the .TAG 7UP events. Chengdu-based local producer KARMASUB will join hands with TAG’s latest frequent performer - MERVV. They will disclose their original electronic music production in live format.  The night will be supported by the sound artist CHAMBERLIAIN ZHANG, who had just returned from New York. Fasten your seatbelt for a spacey and futuristic trip with a techno longset!

·Line Up

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来自成都的电子音乐制作人 / DJ,同时作为推广者成立了多媒体艺术项目“barranco 深谷”,其中包括电子乐品牌“PURE DARK — 黯”与“PLACEBO — 安慰剂”。现以Karmasub(次因果)作为代号进行音乐创作与现场演出,在音乐创作上融入了印象主义手法与后人文主义的观念,试图以具有极简主义偏好的电子乐作为媒介将自身对于后现代人文景观的想象加以描述。新型而轻盈的Minimal、Dub Techno、Electro与House节拍代表了他在俱乐部音乐领域中Electro的一些明显特征,但多元化的创作背景让他的音乐无法被具体的风格标签所明确定义。

KARMASUB is a code name from the multi-media arts collective Barranco. KARMASUB creates sounds with impressionism technique and post humanistic perspective seeking to explore postmodern philosophy from the perspective of sound. The new school Minimal Techno, Dub techno,Electro and House beats represented his some obvious characteristics in the field of club music , but the creation of the diversified background let his music can not be clearly defined by specific style tags.


是个浪漫,贪婪,强力又温暖就像熊抱一样的集合。光怪陆离的音乐材质,经典的鼓融合在一起试图达到和谐的极限,他的灵魂属于沁满汗渍的地下室。他经常在中国和德国演出,例如 Oil, Floating Island, Elevator, Tag Ost-Apotheke,以及许多可爱的俱乐部。

Mervv is a little romantic and a little gritty. Rough but warm. Like a bear hug. Weird textures, classic drums mangled and pushed to their limits, lovely harmonies. His spirit belongs in a sweaty basement.

He's played frequently in China and Germany, at places like Oil, Floating Island, Elevator, Tag, Ost-Apotheke, and many other small but lovely clubs.

Chamberlain Zhang

中国作曲人,表演者,DJ和装置艺术家。在2018年旧金山TapeMusic音乐节的特约节目中演出,该演出被《旧金山周刊》誉为“Cinema For Your Ears(耳朵的影院)”,被《纽约时报》称为“Tape capsules(胶囊影带)”。加州奥克兰的Chabot Space & Science Center邀请他举办音乐会,该空间科学中心致力于加利福尼亚的创新行星研究。他的作品探索了人类对时间和空间感知的操控可能性,用建筑,光线,迷雾,声音,即兴元素,构图和协作展示另类现实和未来主义场景。他用自己想象力为观众创造出沉浸式氛围,每个参与者都能在他创造的旅途中找到因人而异的独特体验。

Chinese composer, performer, DJ and installation artist. Performed at the special program of San Francisco TapeMusic Festival 2018, called “Cinema For Your Ears” by San Francisco Weekly, “Tape capsules” by New York Times. He was invited to perform a concert by Chabot Space and Science center in Oakland, California dedicated to innovative planetary research and studies in California. His work explores the possibilities of manipulating human perception of time and space. Implementing architecture, light, fog, sound, improvisation, composition, and collaboration manifest in scenarios of alternative realities and future of mankind. Creating an immersive environment from his imagination, he allows each individual to experience his works by following their own paths through person-specific imagination and physical engagement. 

Chamberlain Zhang 出生于北京,目前居住在纽约布鲁克林。自2016年以来,他的厂牌 Cultivated Sound 一直活跃于纽约的实验音乐和 Techno 场景。毕业于米尔斯学院(Mills College),获得了电子音乐和录音媒体的艺术硕士学位。2018年因出色的实验音乐表演而获得了 Frog Peak Collective 实验音乐大奖。他于2021年应邀在匈牙利布达佩斯的 4DSound 研究所担任驻场。他的首张专辑 In the Praise of Shadow 就有湾区传奇打击乐艺术家 William Winanut 助阵,该专辑被坂本龙一(Ryuchi Sakamoto)收录于他在 Spotify 上的精选集-SKMT之中。

Chamberlain Zhang was born in Beijing, currently based in Brooklyn, New York. His collective label Cultivated Sound has been active in the New York experimental and techno scene since 2016. He hosts a MFA in Electronic music and Recording Media from Mills College. Chamberlain received the Frog Peak Collective Experimental Music Award for outstanding experimental music performance in 2018. He was invited to host an artist residency by 4D sound institute in Budapest, Hungary in 2021. His debut album In the Praise of Shadow featuring legendary bay area percussionist William Winanut is selected by Ryuchi Sakamoto for his curated playlist- SKMT picks on Spotify.







